USAGRO, takes great care as regards the content of this website as well as all product literature.
USAGRO, disclaims any responsibility for the topicality, accuracy or completeness of the information. The contents of this website or product related literature contains non-binding information about technical data, usage times, doses, definitions, fertilization and culturing, and technical or informational drawings by USAGRO. All the content and data provided are based upon the researches and observations that USAGRO conducted on private located farms, greenhouses and gardens which may be amended, supplemented or deleted at any time without prior notice.USAGRO, shall not be liable for any damages or losses of any kind arising directly or indirectly from use of our website or product literature.
The final vendor or consumers are responsible for the proper storage or handling of the products after delivery. The vendor and consumers should determine if the given information regarding usage is suitable by taking into account of local soil ,leaf ,terrain, environmental, climatic and cultivating factors.
The contents of the products catalogue, images, literature, any sound or media related documents
may be amended, supplemented or deleted at any time without prior notice. No part of this publication
may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, or can not be used commercially without the prior written permission of USAGRO. USAGRO, disclaims any responsibility for the shared and published information in this catalogue.
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